Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Fasting - Day 2

So, as I'm fasting I thought I could write a kinda diary while I'm doing it.

It's day 2, I'm still alive. Don't worry mommy, it's not gonna kill me.

I started "this madness" yesterday. It's the one where you're supposed to drink this maple-palmsyrup stuff with lemon juice, cayenne pepper and water. And then I'm allowed to drink herbal tea and well... water. This is what I'm supposed to do for the next 7 to 10 days. As you can imagine, I'm saving a lot of time not having to cook. So, :) I can write a blog-diary instead.

It's always amusing to see people's reactions when one begins fasting. 5% have tried it themselves. The rest are on a scale of "are you mad? are you trying to loose weight? you can't do it for that long!! a human being has to eat every day....". It's funny.

Tiredness: People say fasting makes you tired. I have to say the opposite. Fasting gives me sooo much energy. It also gives you a kick to do all those things you've put aside... Like last night for example, I actually read books instead of watching TV. And that is a big thing!! Ususally I just slouch on the sofa from approx 7pm to midnight. But yesterday - after Prison Break coz I HAVE to watch that - I actually picked up 2 books I'd taken out from the library and browsed through them.

Hunger: Pish posh, hunger is a state of mind... :) Yes, occasionally I feel hungry or my stomach growls, but then I just drink some more of my tasty drink and I'm fine again.

Well, we'll see how I feel in a few hrs. Get back to me with comments or other thoughts! ...or just to check that I'm still alive.


Anonymous said...

Låter intressant :-) Jag har själv också funderat på att prova, men har inte haft möjlighet. Kanske nu när jag slutar jobba. Men lycka till!

Bamsekram, Eva

Anonymous said...

haven't heard anything in a couple of hours now. hope u didn't faint at the movies.
*slightly worried*
and now that you've had your fun observing peoples reactions, would u mind actually TELLING us why you're doing this?!? :)


Anonymous said...

and btw, pleeease tell me that the blogspot server is in a different time zone, and that you did NOT get up at 5am just to blog yourself out?! a little too energetic, huh?

Anton said...

OK, I fixed the time problem.