Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Lucky Charms


Please pray for me, or keep your fingers crossed or whatever you believe in :)

It's yet again a time in my life when I'm at a crossroads(, or traffic light). Depends on how you look at it. Either I decide which way to go, or I'll see if it changes to a green light.

Short and sweet, things are in the making, we'll see what happens. Don't wanna say too much for fear of jinxing it.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Packing, packing, packed.

Damn, I've become pretty good at this. It took me all of 10 minutes to pack my trolley for the weekend. I guess that's something I've learned over the years. To pack quickly and lightly.

Tomorrow I'm heading off to Joensuu again for a nice relaxed weekend. It's just so nice to get away from hectic Helsinki.

Today I noticed it. It was past 5pm and it was still light outside!! Amazing, I think spring is on the way (even though it's -20 outside). But now we see the light, soon we'll get the warmth. Aaaaaah can't wait!
I got so excited I wanted to walk all the way home, but then I walked for 15 minutes and noticed that it was pretty cold so I took the bus. I guess the walk woulda been better, had I had my proper coat (but as SOMEONE poured beer/bitter/whatever on it last night, it was still wet after me washing it).

Hooray, have a good weekend!

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Home, ill, bleurgh!

So, I'm home in bed again. Was at work yesterday, got a weird splitting headache, so I'm back in bed.
Doctor ordered me to take antibiotics last Thursday, so now I'm taking those and painkillers. Yeehaw, pills are good!

I've finished typing up my first diary.( It's 10 December 2000 and I'm back in Santiago, having spent almost a week in Argentina. )

Hmm.. I wonder where my second book is? Maybe somewhere in my parents house (eeek!!). But I think that one is not as detailed as I got tired of writing daily. So if the first book included 2 months, the second includes the rest, until I think I stopped writing at some point in Indonesia...

My biggest thoughts after reading this first book are: "I wish I was somewhere warm" and "I wonder what happened to all those people" (yes, cliché I know, but it's true, so many lives that met, if even ever so briefly...)

I'll sit in bed today thinking about this. (it's -14 celsius outside so no wish to go out there either).


Something I found that was my guideline for my travel:

"I have to hurry
have to leave
fly far
travel into different smells
I have to go
brake my chains
rip out my roots
let my heart burn
and point blindly at the globe

I have to cough
some highway dust
have to sail
a few more storms
I have to go
out looking for my soul

I have to walk streets
were no one knows my name
my face a mystery, not a label
go places
were dreams are different

I have to fly
hang out my heart to dry
in the warm breezes of lands
i could never imagine
And then maybe
I'll return
as myself "

Thank you "Jess" for writing it. It may be a bit outdated, but still has something universally valid.

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Are Diaries good or dangerous?!?

Hey, long time, happy Valentine's and all that...

So, I've begun a project that is maybe long overdue (or that will never be finished).
I've started typing up my diary from my RTW (round-the-world) trip from 2000-2001. It's weird, after writing the entries, I haven't looked at them until now, 7 years later.
The questions is what to do with it? My primary reason for typing them into a word document is to preserve them in some kinda data format, in case I in the future plan to do something with them.
(personal note: writing as process, writing as sharing information)
So while reading through them I can only think: "who would I ever let read these things?", "why would anybody want to read them?". At the time of writing them, they were partially my log book, so a lot of the information is tedious bus numbers or where i stayed. At the same time some of it is like a letter to a friend, and a lot of it is me going through emotions and feelings.
What is this information I could think of sharing? Do I want to share all of it? ...maybe not... :-)
Maybe some day you will see it published in some way, and let's just hope it has undergone serious editing by that time. ON THE OTHER HAND, I feel like the manuscript is valuable in the sense that it horribly honestly presents a lot of what happened. But as with everything it is "aikaan sidottu" i.e. tied to the temporal setting where it was created.

The other point I wanted to bring up was this process of writing and reading through the material. It is amazing, the things we've forgotten, the people we remember once we read about them later. And also how our view of things change over the years. 7 years later I notice I maybe think of issues in a completely different way from September 2000, when I set out on my journey. But, I guess that is part of the beauty of life.

I will not claim to have developed since that time, but I've surely changed. :-)

All good comments and ideas about what to do with the material will be considered. And the best one may be awarded with a free copy.