Thursday, January 25, 2007

Sport is good, right?

Wow, today I felt really good!
I've been trying to go to the gym regularly since the beginning of the year and I've actually managed 2-3 times/week. But the great thing is that I'm not feeling like "oh shit, do I HAVE TO go to the gym?". Now I rather feel like "ooh ooh, gotta go to gym, wanna go to gym". Ok, it's a bit manic, but I still think it's better than sitting at home eating crisps/potato chips. Or maybe I'm just not working out hard enough to make me so sore I don't wanna go there for a while... Lots of maybes.
This all just leads me to think that it's true what they say: doing some kinda sport activity regularly actually makes you feel better. And that it works like some kinda drug, you just want more more and more. Not that I know anything about real drugs... it's all hearsay.
Knock on wood! (Let's see how long it takes before I'm back on that couch with my Pringles)

The other thing I'm trying to pick up is swimming. Ok, I thought I was just gonna jump in the pool and I'd be like a natural swimmer. Like how hard can it be really? LOL, well it is. I mean, I haven't been swimming since the eighties or something, and THAT is a long time ago. I did go to the mandatory swimming lessons back in the days, and I'm sure I learned something. But why do I feel like a dork now that I'm in the pool?
I take a few strokes and I'm sure my rhythm is all off, and that I do the kick and the stroke in the wrong order... I mean, the technique should be somewhere in my brain. Why can't I just wake it up?
OK, so I've admitted to myself that maybe I should go take some adult swimming lessons (NO, not THAT kind of adult swimming lessons). So now I'm looking at options for that. We'll see what I find.
Until then I'll just look like a dork in the pool and feel completely exhausted after 300m of swimming. :)

So, my message of the day to y'all is: find a sport you like and DO IT. It'll make you feel good! (and once you're burning more calories, you can eat more crisps/chips ;) )


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